- PhD / MPhil / PD* students whose candidature have been confirmed and who are in their final year of study (i.e. within one year prior to the end of their candidature or who have already submitted the “Notice of Intent to Submit a Thesis”)
- MPhil or PhD students who have submitted their thesis may also enter the Competition if they have not yet received the confirmation letter from the Graduate School that they have already completed all the requirements for the conferment of the degree sought.
- Students are permitted to enter the competition only once during their candidature.
*Professional Doctorates (PD) include Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), Doctor of Education (EdD), Doctor of Nursing (DNurs), Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) in the field of Clinical Psychology, Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) in the field of Educational Psychology, and Doctor of Public Administration (DPA).
Note: For the avoidance of doubt, neither the champion nor any other winners of the HKU 3MT Competition will be automatically eligible to represent the University in any regional/international 3MT competitions. HKU’s participation in any such competitions in a particular year will depend on the arrangements of the hosting institution or organizer concerned, and the University may participate in a virtual competition rather than one that is held overseas. In any case the candidate to represent HKU in such a competition must meet the eligibility criteria set by the hosting institution or organizer concerned. In case where the hosting institution or organizer concerned only allows PhD candidates to participate in its competition, the highest ranking PhD candidate among the HKU 3MT candidates may be given the chance to represent the University in that competition.
Please note: competitors *are not* judged on video/ recording quality or editing capabilities. Judging will focus on the presentation, ability to communicate research to a non-specialist audience and the 3MT PowerPoint slide.
The Presentation Rules are based on those developed by The University of Queensland.
Participants must present their own research, and should note that due to the nature of the competition, any data or information presented or discussed in the Competition should be considered information that will likely enter the public domain, for example, in media coverage, in subsequent University publications for the public in print and/or digital formats, and/ or on the University’s websites, etc. Interested students should discuss with their research supervisors before registering for the Competition.
Comprehension & Content:
Engagement & Communication:
The Judging Criteria are based on those developed by The University of Queensland.
The Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Competition was launched by The University of Queensland, Australia, in 2008. Enthusiasm for the 3MT® concept and its adoption in numerous universities led to the Trans-Tasman 3MT Competition, first held at UQ in 2010. In 2016, the Trans-Tasman 3MT Competition was expanded to include a select number of Asian universities and renamed as Asia-Pacific 3MT Competition.
In November 2013, the first Universitas 21 (U21) 3MT competition was held with universities from around the world competing in a virtual competition.
Depending on the arrangements of the organizers of regional/international 3MT competitions, we will again try to arrange for a candidate of the HKU 3MT, who meets the eligibility criteria set by the organizer concerned or hosting institution, to represent HKU at a regional or international 3MT competition. It may be a virtual competition rather than one that is held overseas. In case where the hosting institution or organizer concerned only allows PhD candidates to participate in its competition, the highest ranking PhD candidate may be given the chance to represent the University in that competition.
For information on the Trans-Tasman / Asia-Pacific 3MT Competitions in past years, please click here.