Date of Competition: Monday, March 6, 2017
Register HERE
Registration Deadline: 6pm on Monday, January 16, 2017 (NO late registrations will be accepted.)
Each registrant must also submit his/her primary supervisor’s completed endorsement form (downloadable from the Graduate School website) to the Graduate School by Wednesday, January 18, 2017 to complete the registration process. If the completed endorsement form reaches the Graduate School after January 18, 2017, the registration will NOT be accepted.
A briefing session was held for RPg students who are interested in participating in the HKU 3MT:
Date of Briefing Session: Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Time: 1 pm – 2 pm
Venue: P6-03, Graduate House
Click here for the presentations.
Schedule of Presentations:
Videos of Candidates and Awardees
Members of the public, colleagues and students are cordially invited to vote for the most engaging presenter for the Online People’s Choice Award via YouTube until 1700hrs, March 15, 2017. You can vote for any one of the finalists below. The finalist with the most “LIKE” votes on YouTube will be awarded a book voucher of US$130.
News in Brief
The Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Competition 2017 of HKU was successfully held on March 6, 2017. This year 31 research postgraduate (RPg) students participated in the competition, and 10 finalists were shortlisted to compete for 3 prizes decided by the adjudicating panel and the People’s Choice Award decided by audience ballot. The Online People’s Choice Award was awarded to the finalist who received the most ‘LIKE’ votes on YouTube after the competition.
The 3MT was developed by The University of Queensland, Australia in 2008. It is an academic competition that challenges RPg students to explain their research within 3 minutes to a general audience. 3MT celebrates the discoveries made by RPg students and encourages them to develop the skills to communicate the importance of their research to the broader community.
Professor Peter Mathieson, President and Vice-Chancellor of HKU, officiated at the final competition. Mr Francis Tin-fan Yuen, Chairman of the Advisory Board of Ortus Capital Management Ltd, and Mr Edward K.F. Chow, Founder and Chairman of China Infrastructure Group and HKU Council member, served on the adjudicating panel as external members. Internal members of the adjudicating panel included Professor John Bacon-Shone, Associate Director of the Knowledge Exchange Office (KEO), who served as the Chairman of the panel, Professor John Kao, Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global), Dr Roger Chan of the Department of Urban Planning and Design, Professor Paul Cheung of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Professor Adam Jaworski of the School of English and Professor Ben Young, Associate Dean of the Graduate School.
Congratulations to all the winners of the HKU 3MT Competition 2017. They are:
Champion and Online People’s Choice Award Winner
Name: Mr Ming Yan CHAN, Brian
MPhil candidate in the Faculty of Science
Presentation Title: Peering Through Space and Time with Nature’s Cosmic Telescope
Primary Supervisor: Dr Jeremy Jin Leong LIM
1st Runner-up and People’s Choice Award Winner
Name: Ms Shrestha GHOSH
PhD candidate in the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
Presentation Title: Live Life…Queen Size…
Primary Supervisor: Professor Zhongjun ZHOU
2nd Runner-up
Name: Ms Sze Yi MAK, Sibyl
PhD candidate in the Faculty of Engineering
Presentation Title: Control of Water-Based Fluid in Microfluidics
Primary Supervisor: Dr Anderson SHUM
“If you want to translate your research or innovation into real impact on society, you have to make it accessible beyond academic publications. You have to make it readily understood by potential funders and partners, the media and the general public. That’s why we want our RPg students to develop such awareness during their studies, and we encourage the final-year RPg students to challenge themselves by joining the 3MT,” Professor Peter Mathieson says.
The HKU 3MT Competition was jointly organized by the Graduate School and KEO.

Awardees, finalists and supervisors at the HKU 3MT Competition 2017 with President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Peter Mathieson and members of the adjudicating panel
(From left, back row) Professor John Carroll (supervisor of the finalist Ms Dao Zi Huang), Professor Andy Hor (Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor [Research]), Dr Roger Chan, Professor John Kao, Mr Francis Tin-fan Yuen, Professor John Bacon-Shone, Professor Peter Mathieson, Professor Adam Jaworski, Mr Edward K.F. Chow, Professor Mee Len Chye (Dean of Graduate School), Professor Paul Cheung, Professor Bernadette Tsui (Director of Development & Alumni Affairs Office), Professor Ben Young, Dr Anderson Shum (supervisor of 2nd Runner-up Ms Sze Yi Mak), Dr Jetty C.Y. Lee (supervisor of the finalist Mr Kin Sum Leung)
(From left, front row) Mr Maurits Bastiaan Meerwijk (finalist), Ms Dao Zi Huang (finalist), Ms Yun Li (finalist), Mr Tsz Fung Ngai (finalist), Ms Shrestha Ghosh (1st Runner-up and winner of the People’s Choice Award), Mr Ming Yan Chan (Champion and winner of the Online People’s Choice Award), Ms Sze Yi Mak (2nd Runner-up), Ms Hui-Chun Chen (finalist), Ms Tze Kwan Li (finalist), Mr Kin Sum Leung (finalist)
2017 Asia-Pacific 3MT Competition
The 2017 Asia-Pacific 3MT Competition was held on Friday, September 29, 2017 at The University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane. Doctoral students representing 55 universities in Australia, New Zealand and Asia competed in this competition.
The 1st Runner-up and People’s Choice Award winner of the 2017 HKU 3MT Competition, Ms Shrestha Ghosh, PhD candidate in the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, represented HKU in the 2017 Asia-Pacific 3MT Competition. Please click here for more details.